What Fuels Our Educational Vision
Bridging Gaps in Educational Opportunity
The current global education crisis has exposed a troubling reality in many low- and middle-income nations, where resources and support for quality education lag significantly. In 2023, approximately 244 million children worldwide were still out of school, with the challenge compounded for students from underserved areas who have limited access to secondary education. The COVID-19 pandemic amplified these disparities, especially in third-world countries, where school closures averaged longer than in wealthier nations and where alternatives, like remote learning, often lacked infrastructure and teacher support. This has led to significant learning losses and a surge in “learning poverty,” which now affects as much as 70% of children in low-income countries.
For CLIP’s educational initiatives, particularly with Level Up and Space Gen, focusing on narrowing this achievement gap aligns closely with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4), which seeks to ensure inclusive, quality education for all. Through its programs, CLIP works to alleviate some of the critical barriers students face by providing scholarships, refurbishing educational facilities, and supporting teacher training to create more equitable learning environments.

Our Educational Initiatives
Empowering Education for All

Level Up
Level Up is a multifaceted initiative aimed at reducing the achievement gap in education by providing critical resources and opportunities to students from underserved communities and to schools with a high population of students from low-income backgrounds. This initiative focuses on addressing the root causes of this gap, through a combination of direct student support and school-wide interventions to enhance …

Space Gen
The Space Gen Program seeks to inspire Ghanaian educational institutions to integrate STEM, with a strong focus on space-related education, into their curricula. Through strategic partnerships with schools, workshops, and specialized programs, we provide a learning framework, teaching materials, instructors, kits, and practical resources to equip students with hands-on experience.
Education is the key. Together, let’s build a brighter, more equitable future!
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